Life and all that jazz

Don’t stay stuck in your comfort zone


So this is me around 8ish years old, whilst on a holiday with my family in Corsica. (My family are not in the photograph)

As I started walking across this bridge at the time I was slightly jittery – being fully aware that at any moment I could miss a step, or slip and fall through the sides of the rope which somebody had just dived through – and risk a flailing fall to the water below  (infront of a rather large audience to the sides of this photograph).

However, by the time I had gotten midway across the ropes and  saw those cheery faces clapping me across, plus realising it wasn’t such a bad drop to think about if I just looked forward, I became more confident in my footsteps not clinging to one side more so than the other, heading straight down the middle although some sunlight was in my eyes I was feeling no more pinch of worry or slight fear.

Instead, a proudness of pushing myself to climb up those rocks with my Dad and walking by myself at a height with no help gave me an adrenalin kick and was delighted that I had gotten such a  different view and boost of confidence from simply not staying content in the water at these particular mountain lakes and taking on what else the location had to offer.

Now I know I’m speaking for myself and many others when I say “Yes, it is so easy to stay put at you are keeping to your usual routines or habits”  and not really making any changes that come from pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. But it really is one of the keys in your life you can use to unlock so many other doors. I am guilty like a lot of people of not always pushing myself out of my comfort zone and then thinking I will do it another day, then other times I do and the sense of achievement you feel from not listening to that worry for 2 minutes is worth it .

One of the favourite things I have done which pushed me out of my comfort zone was I completed the summer I left high school. I won’t go into detail now as I could write you a separate post on NCS itself, but I will say it definitely transforms your character and adds to your abilities.

So for today all I want to say is , try to put yourself out there whenever possible to try something different without too much fear of what could or could not come from it. Drastic changes everyday may be a bit much sometimes, but remember to challenge yourself every so often to grow and improve as an individual.

In the words of Dr.Seuss ” You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose”

I’m off for a cuppa, thank you!

Charlotte x